If you wish to have a swift and smooth travel, you can simply not avoid investing your time in some good planning. Especially if you are heading to a foreign country, you need to be extra meticulous about the things you pack. In order to ensure that you don’t miss out packing any of the travelling essentials, refer to this complete checklist of things compiled by Jovago Pakistan that should be packed before your foreign travel.

- Passport and Visa
Do verify and double check your passport’s expiry date well ahead of your flight. You might need to keep a sufficient lead time if your passport is approaching expiry soon.
- Medical requirements
Before travelling to a foreign country, you might need to get some special vaccines as a precaution against certain viruses and diseases. Check the relevant country’s Disease Control and Prevention’s website to check the vaccine or other medical requirements of the country where you are travelling.
- International Driving permit
Contact your foreign travel agency to check out the rules and regulations regarding driving in the country that you are planning to visit. Also, don’t forget to carry your travel insurance and international driving permit, especially if you plan on activities such as going on a road trip during your voyage.
- Travel alerts and travel warnings of your travel destination
This is usually the most neglected part when preparing for a travel. Refer to the State Department’s Consular Information Program to keep you posted of all the travel alerts and travel warnings of the place you are visiting. It is also very advisable to make a note of addresses and contact numbers of your home embassies and consulates in the destinations that you will be visiting.
- Copy of all your important documentations
One should always make a separate folder for the copies of all your travel related documents and store it somewhere safe and separate from your original passport.In addition, also make copies of your hotel itineraries, ticket confirmations, visa and other important travel related documents.
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