You must have heard phrases, like the best plans are never made or no plan is ever a best plan! However, it goes without saying that sometimes even an unplanned travel requires a bit of planning to make it a striking experience! Here’s a list of tips compiled by Jovago Pakistan that can help you make your trip more memorable with minimum planning!

1. Have a look at all travel based websites
You know that you would never get stuck if you have access to the internet and have all travel related information handy! Once on the voyage, you must have some important travel websites like Jovago on the top of your mind. Not only do these websites provide you extensive travel related information but also, gives you access to make flights and hotel booking right away!
2. Translate your fear into the thrill and excitement
It is the ‘unknown’ part of the travel that makes it the most excitement filled experience! It’s ok to be a bit worried to encounter a completely new scenario, but to overcome that worry into excitement is what will change a mere trip into an adventure!
3. Leave the word ‘No’ at home!
An exciting travel requires an open mind. Embrace the newness and say ‘Yes’ to every new experience. After all, travel is the other name of getting out of your comfort zone! It’s a simple rule, the more you say ‘Yes’ the more you would enjoy your experience!
4. Remember, nothing can spoil your travel!
Be it a missed bus or a delayed flight, everything that you encounter during travel is a different experience that you probably won’t get to encounter when you return home. You might get a lot of time to whine about what went wrong once you are home; but remember the time of your travel is simply ‘your time’ and you have the power to make your trip memorable.
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